Importance of Correct Classroom Placement
We recently received an email from an experienced and caring resource teacher about the negative effect on students’ emotional and educational progress when consistently placed in wrong educational environments.
“If a child is placed in an educational level that is too low, it is detrimental, likewise; if a child is placed in a level beyond his/her capacity, it is a crime.
This year I am faced with a different dilemma that I have never had before. I have four students that I must now move to a Special Day Class (SDC). One student has an IQ of about 70, he had failed all classes in 7th and 8th grade and they had kept him in Resource classroom environment (level within special education). His parent was calling daily…
Good grief the poor child was hating himself. He could hardly look at me because he felt like he was stupid, worthless and nothing. I was horrified that no one had ever considered the fact that he was out of level. He should have been placed in SDC to begin with. This poor child had been berated and insulted.
If a student doesn’t progress in two years time, then the level and structure of the instruction should be re-evaluated and discussed with parents since there is obviously a problem. At that point in time, if the education environment isn’t still meeting the IEP goals, the parents always have the option of mediation or legal action.
Please get the word out that proper placement of a child is essential to the well-being of the child, a responsibility for both parents and educators.”
Resource Teacher
Special Education